Console.WriteLine("Enter the ID for the User which you want to remove");                Console.Write(">>>> ");                string userID = Console.ReadLine();                if (userID.Length == 0)                {                    Console.WriteLine("The user id can not be empty.");                    return;                }                else if (userID.Length > BS2Environment.BS2_USER_ID_SIZE)                {                    Console.WriteLine("The user id should less than {0} words.", BS2Environment.BS2_USER_ID_SIZE);                    return;                }                else                {                    byte[] uidArray = new byte[BS2Environment.BS2_USER_ID_SIZE];                    byte[] rawUid = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(userID);                    IntPtr uids = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(BS2Environment.BS2_USER_ID_SIZE);
                    Array.Clear(uidArray, 0, BS2Environment.BS2_USER_ID_SIZE);                    Array.Copy(rawUid, 0, uidArray, 0, rawUid.Length);                    Marshal.Copy(uidArray, 0, uids, BS2Environment.BS2_USER_ID_SIZE);
                    Console.WriteLine("Trying to remove a user.");                    result = (BS2ErrorCode)API.BS2_RemoveUser(sdkContext, deviceID, uids, 1);
                    Marshal.FreeHGlobal(uids);                }