Affect Version

BioStar v2.9.7 or higher

Compatible Device Firmware Version: 

FaceStation F2 v2.2.0 or higher

BioSation 3 firmware v1.3.1 or higher

BioEntry W3 firmware v1.0.0 or higher

Available Operator Level of BioStar 2:


Starting with BioStar 2 version 2.9.7, the system now only sends Visual Face templates without sending actual images during user synchronization. Additionally, you can choose not to store the actual images in the visual face data, which helps protect personal privacy. 

Choose whether to store both the Visual Face Image and the Visual Face Template in the Visual Face, or only the visual template without the Visual Face Image. The default setting stores the Visual Face Image and Visual Face Template.

Storing both the Visual Face Image and Visual Face Template can be useful if there is a change in the face recognition algorithm.

Who needs to use it?

Some companies or industries, due to their IT policies, require not saving users' visual face images in the BioStar 2 database or on BioStar 2 devices.

To comply with this, simply disable the Store Visual Face Image option.


If the enrolled visual faces do not have both types of templates, this feature cannot be disabled.

Please proceed with [BioStar 2] How to Use and Prepare for Visual Face Migration.

Please review the caution list before not saving the Visual Face Image.

1. Disabling this feature will delete all stored visual face images, and any newly enrolled visual faces will store only the template without the image.

2. If this feature is disabled and a data file import is performed, the import will fail if the file contains invalid visual face templates. To resolve this, temporarily enable the feature before importing the data file.

3. If you are using both BioStation 3 and FaceStation F2, and you enroll users' Visual Face data directly through each device’s user menu without BioStar 2 and then upload the user data to BioStar 2, you will need a separate enrollment station for each device due to the different Visual Face algorithms.

If you have any questions on this, please feel free to contact the Suprema Technical Support team.

How to Configure Not Saving Visual Face Image

1. Go to Settings → SERVER → Expert Settings .

2. Toggle Display expert settings from Not Use to Use.

- Confirm the popup message.

3. Click [Expert Settings] to access the Expert Settings.

4. Configure the Store Visual Face Image option as desired. 

  • Use: This is the default setting. The visual face stores both the actual image and the template.
  • Not Use: Only the template is stored, without saving the actual image. If you choose Not Use, make sure to carefully read the warning pop-up before proceeding.

5. Click Apply to save the settings.