
There are some frequently asked questions about how to update the access group for a user.


Structures and APIs

1. When registering a new user

In the BS2UserBlob structure, there is an 'accessGroupId' field.

This field is a list of access groups where users belong and can be configured to up to 16 groups.
Use appropriate values for the field to register the user. (BioStar 2 Device SDK Document: BS2UserBlob)

An Access Group should be created beforehand to set up Access Group for a user.

2. Partial update of user data

You can use BS2_PartialUpdateUserFaceEx to update the Access Group when the user is already registered.

(BioStar 2 Device SDK Document: BS2_PartialUpdateUserFaceEx)

Please refer to the Partial Update guide provided in the example code.

(C# Demo Code: UserControl.cs)

[Screenshot: performing a partial update]

[Screenshot: check user information included Access Group]

Add a few lines to the demo code and check the user's Access Group.

(C# Demo Code: UserControl.cs -> void print(BS2UserFaceExBlob userBlob))