The specification of FaceStation 2 is as below.
Maximum number of users:
> 30,000
Maximum number of cards:
> 30,000 (1:N/1:1)
Maximum number of face:
> 4000 (1:N) / 30,000 (1:1)
* FW v1.4 or higher version supports up to 4,000.
* Old FW supports up to 3,000.
Maximum number of fingerprints:
> 100,000 (1:N / 1:1)
The max user of FaceStation2 is 30,000 and hence below is the maximum storage user data in specific modes:
[In the case of FW v1.4 or higher version]
1:N - 4,000 Face within 30,000 users + 100,000 fingerprints + 30,000 cards
1:1 - 30,000 Face within 30,000 users + 100,000 fingerprints + 30,000 cards
[In the case of FW v1.3 or lower version]
1:N - 3,000 Face within 30,000 users + 100,000 fingerprints + 30,000 cards
1:1 - 30,000 Face within 30,000 users + 100,000 fingerprints + 30,000 cards