Updated date: Jan 4, 2021

This information can be found in the Help menu of the BioStar 2 web client.

BioStar 2 hasn't been tested on a VM server by our QA team.

MSSQL 2008 is not supported. 

BioStar 2.8.14 or higher version

Removed JAVA version due to supporting OpenJDK.

BioStar 2.8.4 or higher version 

Updated RAM and MEMORY(HDD/SSD) spec.

BioStar 2.8.1 or higher version

Added MS SQL Server 2019 to Database List

BioStar 2.7.14 or higher version

Added MS SQL Server 2017 to Database List.

BioStar 2.6 - BioStar 2.7.12

* We have tested BioStar 2 in Windows Server 2012(x64) and Windows Server 2016(64).

BioStar 2.5 

Note for MS SQL users (as shown in the manual note)

If you are using MS SQL Server 2012, install the SQL Server Native Client by referring to the following web page. If MS SQL Server and BioStar 2 are installed on different PCs, you should install the Native Client on a PC with BioStar 2 installed.

The information below is based on BioStar 2.5.0 hotfix version