This document has been created by Praveen Chauhan who is in charge of technical service manager of BioConnect.


This document outlines a generic process for upgrading a BioConnect 3.6 System. There are additional details in the full manuals that can supplement and clarify specifics about other systems, logins and configuration located on our website.

Read Prior to Upgrade

  • This document does NOT Account for "Custom" versions of BioConnect  
  • This document is the details upgrade path for BioConnect Version 3.6.3 and above. 
  • Older versions will require you to contact support@bioconnect and schedule a time with our technical support team for licensing and database adjustments.
  • Brivo Onsite Customers will require a unique version that can be requested through [email protected]

Please confirm the following prior to upgrades:

Access Confirmation

  • SQL Server Rights to the BioConnect database
  • Administrative privileges to the server 
  • Confirm you have access to the windows service account running the BioConnect Services
  • Confirm you have access and information for ACM Database(s) or SDK connections.
  • If you have any "Custom" Software versions please contact support with the version # and customization.

Backup Confirmation

  • Backup your BioConnect Database.
  • Backup your BioConnect configuration file (More Information below)

Additionally, you will need to run through the setup assistant again, therefore it is imperative you read through the Full Installation manual ( and have everything you will need for your specific ACM to ensure that you have all the login information.

How to Upgrade your 3.x System

Part 1: Pre-requisites 

Step 1: Backup your Database 

  1. Backup the BioConnect database using SQL Server Management Studio
    1. Open SQL Server Management Studio, right click and run as administrator
    2. If you do not have SQL Server Management Studio, you must download and install it from Microsoft’s Website. 
      1. Minimum Requirement is 2008 R2 or above
    3. Open [SQL Management Studio] and connect to the SQL instance installed on your machine that contains the BioConnect database
    4. Expand [Databases] > right click on [BioConnect] > [Tasks] > [Back Up]

Step 2: Backup your current configuration settings

  1. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Entertech Systems\BioConnect\BioConnect Service and Locate the Entertech.BiometricService.Config file. 
    1. And copy this config file to a new folder on your desktop. 
    2. It is a good idea to confirm that the configuration file information remains once this has been copied.

      Once this is completed you can begin the uninstall

Step 3: Uninstall the Existing BioConnect Software 

  1. Stop all the BioConnect services
    1. This can be completed by right clicking and stopping the "BioConnect Logging Server Host"
  2. Once done go to your control panel 

     3. Programs and Features
4. Uninstall BioConnect
     5. After uninstallation is complete you can begin the installation process

Part 2: Begin the installation process


The link below is where the full manual on the generic method to upgrade the software is located.


Download Link BioConnect 3.6.5 Version with Expired User Issue

If requiring remote support, please ensure that this file is downloaded prior to scheduling a session.

Step 1: Install the New Version Software 

This is the generic method to install the 3.6 Software versions. Please note that if there are unique or custom elements of your configuration, support should be contacted prior to upgrade. 

Part 3: Licensing and Configuration 

Step 2: Copy Configuration File and License the Software 

This portion is an overview of installing and configuring the software. 

  1. Locate the Enterech.BiometricService.config file.
  2. Copy the Previous file from your desktop (or other location) into C:\Program Files (x86)\Entertech Systems\BioConnect\BioConnect Service
    1. NOTE: Item 2 above is not required and customers can start over without this step. However, it can save time as the connection strings will be known to the setup assistant. 
  3. Replace the File

  4. Once completed, "Launch the setup assistant" which will prompt the setup assistant dialogue box. 

5. You should be able to use the same license if the versions are not significantly different.

Important Note about Licensing

The licensing has been changed in versions that are below BioConnect 3.6.3. If your software versions are older it will require a licensing change to complete the setup process.

This can be done by the support team, however, they require information on the existing license that is located under the root level account in the licensing tab.

6. During the licensing process the setup assistant should automatically find the previous one. Note that the number of devices DOES not need to be changed unless you are increasing the number of devices. 

Step 3: Complete the Configuration of the Software

This will finalize the software installation and remaining configuration elements. 

1. Once the license is found, click next.

2. This will bring you to the windows service credential page. 

3. The service credntials are primarily responsible for running the BioConnect Application and connecting to the BioConnect database. 

  1. NOTE: That ACMS with database connections using integrated security will require read rights to the ACM database.

4. For upgrades you will choose "Custom Setup" as the BioConnect database and information and templates already exist. You want to connect to the existing database and not create a new one. 

5. The first connection question will be:

6. Once connected to the database, you must run through the your specific ACM installation steps. These can be found in this document here:

7. Once you have created the sync please proceed to the next steps.

8. After all services have been started, login into the software and confirm that users are now able to authenticate.

9. This can be confirmed in the Monitoring tab of the BioConnect Software and should not show "Expired Users".