Image log is a feature available for T2, X-Station, FaceStation, D-Station for capturing a picture when there is a specified event. 

If you're wondering where your image logs are stored in your database, it is the TB_EVENT_FACE folder. 

The size may become large quickly if you capture image logs for all events. 

To see how many image logs you have, run the query below: 

use Biostar;
select COUNT (*) FROM dbo.TB_EVENT_FACE;

To delete image log, for example, if you would like to delete image log before 1 Dec 2015, you can use the query below.

UPDATE TB_EVENT_FACE SET bFaceImage = 0, nFaceImageLen = 0 where nDateTime < DATEDIFF(ss, '1970-01-01 00:00:00', '2015-12-01 00:00:00');