Please provide the following information when requesting BioStar 2 service issues.
ALL information is relevant, so if you skip some items, it will take us longer to assist because we have to request again to fill the information.
Basic Information
1. BioStar 2 version:
* version information is provided in the About page of BioStar 2 web client
2. BioStar 2 Database type: Maria DB / MS SQL / Oracle (choose one)
3. Server PC Specification:
provide a export of the msinfo of the server PC as shown in the article below
[General] Capturing PC Specification (msinfo)
4. Database Changes:
Have you or your client made any direct changes in the database? If so, what change was made?
5. Server Upgrade:
Have you recently upgraded BioStar 2 server? Specify your upgrade process. Example BioStar 2.3 > 2.4.1 > 2.5
6. Database Restore:
Have you recently restored a backup of the database on your BioStar 2 server?
Issue Information
7. Issue Occurrence / Time:
example: issue was first noticed on February 1st around 11:30AM
8. Issue replication process:
example: click Start all BioStar 2 service in BioStar Setting > Start button changes to Stop in 15 seconds
9. Summary of the Issue:
provide screenshot of the error if possible
example: BioStar 2 service always stops after 1 hour and the web client cannot be accessed
10. Any other recent changes on the server:
example: a new program was installed, using port xxx
Relevant Logs
* Provide logs when requested
* If the file size is too large, we will provide a webhard (online storage space) to upload the files.
11. Windows Event viewer logs:
[General] Exporting Event Viewer Logs
12. BioStar 2 AC logs:
The files are located in C:\Program Files\BioStar 2(x64)\logs (64bit)
C:\Program Files\BioStar 2\logs (32bit)
If the file is too big to send to us, please provide the following selected files
a. Day of issue occurrence and last few days of biostar_xxxx-xx-xx.log
b. All db-converter_xxxx-xx-xx-x.log
c. All launcher_xxxx-xx-xx.log
d. All nginx-service.log
Please zip the files into one file.
13. BioStar 2 TA logs:
The files are located in C:\Program Files\BioStar 2(x64)\ta\logs (64bit)
C:\Program Files\BioStar 2\ta\logs (32bit)
a. all biostar2_ta_service.log
b. all biostar2_ta_service_error.log
c. Day of issue occurrence and last few days of xxxx-xx-xx_biostar2-ta.log
d. Day of issue occurrence and last few days of xxxx-xx-xx_biostar2-ta-error.log
14. Configuration files:
The files are located in C:\Program Files\BioStar 2(x64) (64bit)
C:\Program Files\BioStar 2 (32bit)
a. setting.conf
b. system.conf
15. Java version from the command Windows and Environment variables
Please mention the time the error was replicated so we can look into the log of the specified time.