The author of the article is Krista Kim who is in charge of CS-40 Sales.


We would like to guide you on how we can replace the site where 3rd party controller and RFID readers are installed by Wiegand cable with Suprema CS-40 controller, BER2, and/or XPD2. 


1. Check Wiegand cable 


 1.1 Wiegand cable should be Shielded twisted 2 pair cable. In order to connect RS485+, RS485- and GND to the Wiegand cable, the cable should be 2 pair cable or more. 

1.2 If the cable length is not long enough to connect BER2 or XPD2 with CS-40, you can add cable as below. Note that the cable should be shielded twisted pair cable.

** Sample cable 

  • AWG 24 Belden 9504 Shielded Twisted Pair Cable 
  • AWG 24 Alpha 5472C Shielded Twisted Pair Cable 



2. Install terminating resistance 


2.1 In case the Wiegand cable characteristic impedance is 120ohm, switch ON terminating resistance of CS-40 and install 120ohm terminating resistance to the reader.


** Please check cable characteristic impedance with the cable company 

2.2 In case that the Wiegand cable characteristic impedance is not 120ohm, switch OFF terminating resistance of CS-40. It is required to install terminating resistance to both CS-40 and reader. 

3. The max. quantity of BER2 or XPD2 that can connect to CS-40



- (1:1) 5ea readers can connect to CS-40

- (1:2) 10ea readers can connect to CS-40

Ex e-2.

** Please note that terminating resistance must be installed to the reader and switch off the terminating resistance of CS-40 for daisy chain configuration.