Topic. Suprema G-SDK New Features (v1.2)

What we plan to cover in this webinar:

Suprema G-SDK is a new way of communicating with BioStar devices. It is a lightweight, scalable, and cross-platform solution which will expedite your development. This webinar will illustrate its unique features and advantages compared to other integration methods. It will also provide an overview of new features incorporated in V1.1 and V1.2.

* Suprema G-SDK v1.2 has been released on Oct. (

It supports a new product FSF2 and FaceStation 2 with Suprema Thermal Camera.

For the product information, click here. 

[BioStar 2] New Product Introduction - FaceStation F2

[BioStar 2] How To Use Suprema Thermal Camera - FaceStation 2

Useful Links

G-SDK Introduction

G-SDK Manual  

G-SDK Download

Recorded video fileDownload here


  • G-SDK Overview
    • Design Goals
    • Comparison with Device SDK
    • System Architecture
  • V1.1 New Features
    • Master Gateway
  • V1.2 New Features
    • Lift/Zones
    • FaceStation F2/Thermal Camera 
    • Enhanced DB support
    • Bug Fixes
  • Roadmap
    • More Documentation and Examples
    • Developer Community

Presentation file: Please find the attached file. 

Q&A list: Please the below list.

Speaker | Host

Simon Lee, Head Developer of Suprema G-SDK at Suprema 

YJ Jung, Technical Support Senior Engineer at Suprema 

Q&A List

Q. Does Device SDK have more functions than G-SDK?

A. Yes, G-SDK does not have functions such as server matching or global zone that already are implemented in Device SDK.


Q. What is the strength of G-SDK compared to Device SDK?

A. I will give you two advantages. First, G-SDK can control more than 1000 devices from one server by using Master gateway method. Second, it is possible to support multiple client languages(Java, Go, Python, etc.). On the other hand, Device SDK only supports C++ based libraries and C# examples. So if you are using a language other than C++ or C#, then G-SDK can be a good choice.


Q. Does the G-SDK support Entry V2 devices?

A. Yes, it does.


Q. Can G-SDK handle multiple devices with a single API call?

A. Yes, some APIs in G-SDK have multi API that handles multiple devices with a single API call.