If you frequently call API to update users, you might encounter an issue with user update event logs filling up the database's space.
Here are some methods to prevent this:
You don't necessarily need to complete all three methods.
You can pick and choose 1-2 if you wish to. But it'll be most effective if you do all three methods.
1. Free up space by deleting user update event logs in the current database
This method requires direct access to your database and deleting part of the data.
Please be very careful when manipulating the data inside the database directly.
Always create a backup database before you make changes to the database.
If your database is already full due to user update event logs, there are queries you can run to delete the user update events in the current database log to free up disk space.
Please open up the database and find the log table that has a lot of user update events.
For example, lets say t_lg2024xx has a lot of user update events and you'd like to delete them.
If so, you can run the following query to delete the user update events :
delete from t_lg2024xx where EVT in(8192,8704,9216,10496);
Meaning of event codes used in the query:
8192 - 'Succeed to enroll user'
8704 - 'Succeed to update user'
9216 - 'Succeed to delete user'
10496 - 'Succeed to partial update user'
If you wish to keep certain event's logs, remove that event code from the query above.
This query might take a very long time depending on how many logs you have.
2. Do not store user update event logs in the database
There's a way to stop all the user update event logs from stacking up on the database.
Open the system.conf file from C:\Program Files\BioStar 2(x64) and change the value for "device_event_log_skip_enroll_success_user" from "false" to "true"
This will stop storing all the user update event logs in the database so that they won't accumulate.
3. Prevent the creation of many user update event logs
If the client calls the user update API often, please consider 1) changing the synchronization mode to "Specific Devices" or 2) using the bulk edit API, which lets you edit users in bulk at once instead of one user at a time.
Note: The bulk edit API is available from v2.9.7.
Please refer to the following article for more information on bulk edit API: