This article will guide you through deleting TA schedule(s) via BioStar 2 API. 

Part 1. Delete Multiple Schedules 

Part 2. Delete One Specific Schedule 

Note: There isn't a way to edit existing schedules through BioStar 2 API.
If you need to edit a schedule's details, you need to delete and create a new schedule with the correct information. 

Part 1. Delete Multiple Schedules 

The following API is used to delete multiple schedules. 

POST      /schedules/delete 

[Body Parameters]

idsArray of StringYid of schedules to be deleted

[Example Request]

You can input several ids in the array to delete multiple schedules.

[Example Response]

After calling the API successfully, you'll receive a 200 HTTPS status code and a response body that looks like below.

Part 1. Delete One Specific Schedule

The follow API deletes one specific schedule.

DELETE      /schedules/{id} 

[Path Variables]

id - Put the id of the schedule you want to delete. 

[Example Request]

Input the id of the schedule you want to delete as the path variable seen as below.

[Example Response]

After calling the API successfully, you'll receive a 200 HTTPS status code and a response body that looks like below.