User Management - Adding Individual Users in Airfob Pro

Feature Overview

Administrators can add individual users to Airfob Pro, assigning them credentials and access levels for seamless site entry. Users can receive mobile or web-based credentials depending on their type.

Navigating to User Management

To add an individual user:

  1. Go to User Management in the Airfob Pro Portal.
  2. Click on Users to open the user list interface.
  3. Click the Add User button.

Filling User Information

When adding a new user, fill in the following details:

  • User ID - Assign a specific ID or allow the system to generate one sequentially.
  • Language - Select the user’s preferred language (English, Korean, Japanese, Dutch, Spanish, or Portuguese).
  • User Group - Assign the user to a relevant group.
  • Name - Enter the user’s full name (required).
  • Additional Information (optional) - Title, department, and address.
  • Contact Information - Provide an email or mobile phone number for the invitation.

Uploading a Profile Picture

To add a profile picture:

  1. Click Upload and select a picture file.
  2. Adjust the image using the available tools.
  3. Click Fit this image and then Save.

Selecting User Type

Since Airfob version 2.6, users can be categorized as:

  • Regular Users - Permanent employees who can receive mobile cards (Airfob credentials, QR codes, or RFID cards).
  • Temporary Users - Visitors who can only receive web cards, such as Web QR Pass or Web Link Pass.

Regular users can be automatically assigned full access levels, whereas temporary users require manual access level selection.

Assigning Credentials

After choosing a user type, select a credential type:

  • Mobile Card - The default and preferred credential for regular users.
  • QR Code - Allows users to scan a QR code for access.
  • RFID Card - Configurable for RFID-based access.
  • Web QR Pass / Web Link Pass - Available only for temporary users.

Setting Access Levels and Validity

After selecting a credential, configure the user’s access permissions:

  1. Choose an Access Level (full access or a predefined level).
  2. Select the Floor Levels assigned to the user.
  3. Set the Validity Period:
    • One-day to one-year validity
    • No expiration date
    • Custom start and expiration date

Note: The Device Manager option is only available for X-Station-2 users, allowing access to the Admin menu.

Selecting a Card Template

To assign a card template:

  1. Click on the dropdown menu to select a Card Template.

Saving or Activating the User

Once all settings are configured, you can either:

  • Save the user to activate them later.
  • Click Activate Card to issue the credential immediately.

Modifying User Details

After adding a user:

  1. Find the user in the list.
  2. Click on their name to access detailed information.
  3. Modify any required details.