Feature Overview

Door groups and device groups in Airfob Pro provide a structured way to organize site devices and access points. Grouping devices and doors simplifies access level configuration and system management.

Navigating to Device Groups

To manage device groups:

  1. Go to Device Management in the Airfob Pro Portal.
  2. Click on Device Groups to view the existing groups.

Creating a Device Group

To create a new device group:

  1. Click on Add Device Group.
  2. Enter a group name (e.g., "Patches").
  3. Select the devices to be included in this group.
  4. Click OK to save.

Creating a Subgroup

Device groups can have subgroups for further organization. However, groups are not hierarchical, meaning devices in a subgroup are not automatically included in the parent group.

  1. Click Subgroup under Device Groups.
  2. Select a parent group (e.g., "Readers").
  3. Enter a subgroup name (e.g., "Airfob Space Readers").
  4. Select the devices to be included.
  5. Click OK to save.

Assigning Devices to Multiple Groups

Devices can belong to more than one group. To add devices to additional groups:

  1. Go to Registered Devices.
  2. Select the devices you want to assign.
  3. Click Manage Groups.
  4. Choose additional groups and confirm.

Assigned groups will be displayed in the device list.

Navigating to Door Groups

To manage door groups:

  1. Go to Door Management in the Airfob Pro Portal.
  2. Click on Door Groups to view the existing groups.

Creating a Door Group

To create a new door group:

  1. Click Add Door Group.
  2. Enter a group name (e.g., "Interior Doors").
  3. Select the doors to be included.
  4. Click OK to save.

Creating a Door Group Subgroup

Door groups can have subgroups, but like device groups, they are not hierarchical. Adding a door to a subgroup does not automatically include it in the parent group.

  1. Click Add Subgroup under Door Groups.
  2. Select a parent group (e.g., "Interior Doors").
  3. Enter a subgroup name (e.g., "Trap Doors").
  4. Select the doors to be included.
  5. Click OK to save.

Key Considerations

Device & Door Group Hierarchy

  • Adding a door or device to a subgroup does not automatically add it to the parent group.
  • If assigning groups to access levels, ensure that you add the specific subgroup needed rather than just the parent group.

Group Organization

  • It is possible to create empty parent groups without any devices or doors.
  • Filtering options allow viewing devices and doors by group.