Q. BioStar 2 started support server matching from v2.8.6 up to 5000 users with FS2(FL and F2 don't support the face server matching). Can I apply this matching method with SDK too?
A. No, it is not available with SDK.
- Card server matching: It doesn't need any license. SDK supports the card server matching with a simple way of searching the matched card number on the database of the server then return the result to the device using BS2_VerifyUser.
- Fingerprint server matching: It needs a license(UFLicense.lic) calls for UFMatcher.dll which is a fingerprint matching library.
- Face server matching: We don't provide a library for this due to an internal policy.
Suprema no longer supports the DLL file related to fingerprint server matching. Please contact Xperix for further assistance. https://tech.xperix.com/en/support/home