To set the private authentication mode, FaceStation F2 has Extended Auth Mode per user information.
You can set up a specific authentication mode per user. In addition, you can exclude the device authentication mode
[Fig 1. BioStar 2 User>Details>Credential>Auth Mode]
How to set up in BioStar 2 Device SDK
Question: I want to try to enroll a user with only a card and use the Extended Auth Mode for this user. How can I achieve it in SDK? Could I have the detailed data in the BS2UserFaceExBlob? I want to exclude the device default authentication mode.
You should fill the settingExinuserBlobs correctly. Then, you would have the user private mode with CARD ONLY.
How to fill the user data of FaceStation F2
| +--userID[789 ]
| |--flag[0]
| |--numCards[1]
| |--numFingers[0]
| +--numFaces[1]
| +--startTime[1629828240]
| |--endTime[1630001040]
| |--fingerAuthMode[254]
| |--cardAuthMode[255]
| |--idAuthMode[254]
| +--securityLevel[0]
+--name[ ]
| +--empty
| +--empty
| +--empty
| +--faceAuthMode[254]
| |--fingerprintAuthMode[254]
| |--cardAuthMode[21]
| +--idAuthMode[254]
| +--faceIndex_0[0]
| |--numOfTemplate_0[1]
| |--flag_0[1]
| |--imageLen_0[7760]
| +--irImageLen_0[0]