Please refer to the TS0119 attachment regarding DB Link integration. You can also refer to TS0168 for a more detailed database table information.
* There has been no database change in 1.93.

Checking for Triggers

Do not use a triggers in the BioStar database when you're integrating with a third party software. Refer to TS0119 to use a polling method to check the logs. 

Using a trigger will lead to log loss and other unexpected software issues. Even if you considered creating the trigger to allow bulk log upload (feature added in BioStar 1.9), the trigger will slow down the log upload process and also cause log loss. It may also cause device disconnection when log upload fails because of the trigger.  

If you're unsure if your client applied a trigger in your database, you can check it with a tool that comes with the installation. 

Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\BioStar\server and run BioStarDBDiag.exe  with admin privileges

Click Start

If your result shows as below, it means you don't have any triggers on your database. 

If you have triggers and stored procedures, please delete them from the database to stop them from meddling with the BioStar service. 

Known Issue
Please note that an User ID value over 2,147,483,647 will appear as a negative value in the database because of the structure of the event log table. If you have an ID over that value, you can run the query below to get a view with a correct ID. However we cannot change the structure of the database for you because that will cause side effects.


select nEventIDn, nUSerID, CAST(CAST(nUserID AS BINARY) AS bigint) from TB_EVENT_LOG where nEventIDn = 23;
** insert your desired event ID in nEventIDn = ''

SELECT nEventIDn, nDateTime, nReaderIDn, CASE WHEN nUserID < 0 THEN nUserID + 4294967296 ELSE nUserID END NUSERID from TB_EVENT_LOG;


SELECT TO_CHAR(TO_DATE('19700101000000', 'yyyymmddhh24miss') + 1/(24*60*60) * nDateTime,

'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') "sLogTime" FROM TB_EVENT_LOG;