If BioStar 2 page is suddenly showing the error below, it may be caused by the following reasons.

Error: This site can't be reached.  Refused to connect


- Affected Products & Versions

All version of BioStar 2

- Summary 

I cannot log in to BioStar2 even though BioStar2 Server is running.

I cannot access BioStar2 even though BioStar2 Server is running.

- Cause

Corrupted setting.conf issue.

There is a file named setting.conf among the files to be used when the Biostar 2 server starts up.

If the data in the file is corrupted, you can not connect BioStar 2.

Analyse method

1) Your setting.conf file is found in C:\Program Files\BioStar 2(x64)

2) Confirm if the "service" part is missing in the setting.conf.

- Solution 

Fixing the BioStar 2 Configuration File

* Make a backup copy of the setting.conf file in another location before you proceed in case you make wrong edits to the file.  

* Below configuration file requires that you have the database on the same PC as the server (remote_db:false)  

Option 1)

1-1) Copy the corrupted setting.conf to your temporary folder.

1-2) Run a notepad as administrator.

1-3) Open the corrupted setting.conf and compare the missing part.

1-4) Update the missing part by referring to the attached file.

-Update the ssl_addr IP address as your server IP address.

1-5) Save the file and replace the setting.conf in C:\Program Files\BioStar 2(x64).

Option 2)

If you are using HTTPS without any additional BioStar setting change, you can follow the below procedure.

2-1) Download the attached setting.conf file in accordance with the version of BioStar2.

2-2) Open it to notepad.

2-3) Update the ssl_addr IP address as your server IP address.

2-4) Save the file and replace the setting.conf in C:\Program Files\BioStar 2(x64).

* If your BioStar 2 version is below 2.6.0, please refer to the article below.

[BioStar 2] Service Error (Configuration file corruption)