Secure Credential Card (SCC) and AoC have different identity structures. Because of this, many customers struggle with writing data to SCCs and assigning them to users. 

Here are some things to keep in mind when you write & read the Secure credential card through the SDK. 

  • BS2CSNCard.type must be set to 0x02. (0x03 AoC) 
  • full 32 bytes are used for card ID on AoC. However, SCC is different : Card ID (24byte) + issueCount (4byte) + TimeStamp (4byte)
  • The same value of Issue Count and Time Stamp on should be specified on BS2SmartCardHeader too. 
  • Issue count and time stamp are free values for ease of management. In other words, even if the time or count at the time of issue is different, there is no problem in operation.
  • There's no issue count or timestamp in user information. Therefore, devices don't check out the issue count or timestamp. 
  • Card ID must be registered in cardObj of Userblob. In other words, this information is the first 24-byte of

Please find the sample code for writing Secure Credential card through the SDK.

sccard_191227.7z -

For more details of Smartcard structure, please refer to the link here :