Applied to BioStar 2.8 or above
There can be the popup of License Check when you try to run BioStar 2 Setup to upgrade your existing BioStar 2 server even though you already have the activated license information to the former BioStar 2.
When BioStar 2Setup file is running, it refers to the system.conf file in C:\Program Files\BioStar 2(x64).
If the system.conf file is corrupted, the license information could not be properly checked.
[Fig 1. The license check popup while you upgrade BioStar 2]
How to solve the issue
1. Stop BioStar 2 all services
2. Make a copy of system.conf in C:\Program Files\BioStar 2(x64)
3. Compare the system.conf file with the below text and update the corrupted part
- Or, you can find the original system.conf file such as system.conf.1640857134836.c in C:\Program Files\BioStar 2(x64)\logs and compare with that.
- Especially, please find the text line in red below.
- Below is an example while you are using Maria DB. Please contact Suprema team if you are using MSSQL DB.
"BioStar": {
"session_timeout": "3600",
"restore_connection_timeout": "60",
"keep_alive_timeout": "30",
"restart_wait_time_in_seconds": "5",
"device_req_timeout_in_seconds": "10",
"device_get_conf_req_timeout_in_seconds": "20",
"num_biostar_service_threads": "3",
"num_device_service_threads": "5",
"num_websocket_service_threads": "1",
"num_fastcgi_service_threads": "5",
"server_port": "51212",
"server_matching": {
"matching-concurrency-count": "1",
"use-server-matching": "false",
"security-level": "5",
"fast-mode": "true"
"database_con_string": ",3312@biostar2_ac",
"firmware_dir": "firmware",
"resource_dir": "resource",
"database_type": "10003",
"user_sync_method": "0",
"user_by_device_sync_method": "0",
"log_sync_method": "0",
"check_duplicate_id_at_devices": "0",
"automatic_server_upgrade": "0",
"upgrade_when": "0",
"fingerprint_format": "0",
"licese_server_addr": "http:\/\/",
"backup": {
"use": "false",
"cycle": "2",
"day": "28",
"weekday": "2",
"time": "10800",
"path": ".\\bk",
"overwritable": "false"
"support_mobile_credential": "false",
"language": "en",
"database": {
"server_type": "mariadb",
"windows_auth": "false",
"server_ip": "",
"server_port": "3312",
"ac_db_name": "biostar2_ac",
"ac_user_name": "biostar2_ac_user",
"ta_db_name": "biostar_tna",
"ta_user_name": "biostartnauser",
"ve_db_name": "biostar_ve",
"ve_user_name": "biostarveuser",
"windows_driver": "SQL Server Native Client 11.0"
"server_addr": "",
"delete_credential_after_aoc": "false",
"secure_communication": {
"mode": "0",
"use_external_cert": "false",
"enable_data_encryption": "false",
"enable_db_data_encryption": "false",
"ischanged_data_encryption": "false",
"ischanged_db_data_encryption": "false"
"system_security": {
"password_strength": "2",
"use_password_update_cycle": "false",
"password_update_cycle": "60",
"use_allow_login_failed": "false",
"allow_login_failed_count": "5",
"allow_login_failed_minutes": "10",
"use_allow_password_change": "false",
"allow_password_change_count": "1",
"use_allow_simultaneous_connection": "true"
"web_request_timeout": "60",
"imglog_dir": ".\\imagelog\\",
"enckey_dir": "C:\\Program Files\\BioStar 2(x64)\\util"
4. Save the system.conf file and then, run BioStar 2 services.
5. Run BioStar 2 Setup again