Affected products and versions

  • BioStation 2 v1.9.0 - v1.10.1
  • BioLite N2 v1.3.0 - v1.4.1
  • BioStation A2 v1.8.0 - v1.9.1
  • FaceLite v1.2.0 - v1.3.2
  • FaceStation 2 v1.4.0 - v1.5.1
  • FaceStation F2 v1.1.1 - v1.1.2


Devices show "Migration in progress. Please do NOT turn off the device. This may take 2-30 minutes" message on the screen.

Issue reproduction

  1. The device models mentioned at the top of the page are using a lower firmware version than the specified firmware versions.
  2. Upgrade to the firmware versions specified at the top of the page.
  3. After upgrading, the main screen is displayed on the LCD as if it was booted normally.
  4. However, issues occur in the below cases;
    • Cannot move by clicking LEFT and RIGHT keys after entering the menu on the main screen.
    • When entering the menu on the main screen and moving the up and down keys, the MIGRATION text and a part of the menu screen overlap. (displayed during menu timeout)
    • If you click the T&A button on the main screen and exit, the MIGRATIONtext output screen is displayed.


After rebooting the device, the issue is resolved.


You can download BioStation 2's beta firmware through the download link. Please download the file and apply on the site.

  • Notice: BioStation 2 beta firmware is based on v1.10.1.
  • BioStation 2_v1.10.1_Beta_(FISF-1972).zip - Download 

If you are using other models rather than BioStation 2, please create a ticket with the device model and firmware version you are using now. The issue will be fixed in our next official releases.