Please refer to this article when you have the below case with Suprema Integration with Nedap AEOS. :
- There is an issue that the certificate has a problem with the Nedap system.
- when it comes out the loading of the page "https://ip_address:44301/WECClient?userid-502="
- The webpage does not load, it is stuck on “(apt-root) Loading …”
How to solve the issue:
:How to Run the ‘SupremaIntegrationWithNedapAEOS_CertificateIssuer’
- Go to the ‘cert’ folder under the installation directory(ex. C:\Program Files (x86)\Suprema\Suprema Integration with Nedap AEOS\cert).
- Execute the ‘SupremaIntegrationWithNedapAEOS_CertificateIssuer.exe’ file.
- Click the ‘Browser Folder’ button and set the path of the AEOS(ex. C:\AEOS).
- Input your IP on the ‘IP’ text box.
- Click the ‘Generate Certificate’ button.
- Click the ‘Install Certificate to PC’ button.
- Click the ‘Import Certificate to AEOS’ button.
※Please refer to the attached file for more details.