[Before updating the resource file / After updating the resource file]
It is possible to customize languages, or to change the message displayed on the device by configuring the device’s resource file. Follow the steps below to change the texts displayed on the device (Facestation F2).
How to set up?
1. Download the Resource file zip folder that matches the device at [BioStar 2] Changing the Device Language (Translation) and unzip the zip folder.
2. Download the Resource Tool. It is located inside the latest resource file.
3. Open ResourceTool_IncludeFSF2.exe and run as administrator.
4. Press Open and choose the relevant resource inside the Resource file that fits the device. Select All file to search the resource file. Make sure that the device and the resource file’s firmware match.
5. Fill out the information at TagWrite (Firmware Version, Device Type, Card Type). Note that the DeviceType must match to read resources at BioStar 2.
6. Change the text under Resource Table for text customization displayed on the device by editing here directly.
7. The edited information can be saved by pressing Save. Make sure to save the files in Resource file format (.rc).
Changing Language Display at English Setting
While the device language is set at English, I will customize the “Access Granted” window to show “WELCOME” instead. Here is a demonstration of changing the resource to display a different value from the default.
1. Find the English section at the Resource Table.
2. Find “Access Granted” and double click to edit. Change to “WELCOME.”
3. Press Build. A .bin file will be created at the location of the Resource Tool. I will rename the file to FSF2_RES_WELCOME.
4. Copy the .bin to <Program Files -> BioStar 2(x64) -> resource>. Continue with administrator permission.
5. Login to BioStar 2.
6. Go to Device and choose the device to customize.
7. Go to Advanced -> Display/Sound. Press Update Resources.
If successful, this message will appear.
9. The device will reset after applying the resource file. Check to see if the customization is applied on the device through authentication.