To receive real-time logs from the device on the server, you can use the API provided below.
Device SDK: https://kb.supremainc.com/bs2sdk/doku.php?id=en:bs2_startmonitoringlog
Suprema G-SDK: https://supremainc.github.io/g-sdk/api/event/#enablemonitoring
However, there are cases where an error occurs when using the above API.
This article addresses scenarios where monitoring logs fail.
Case #1
If the device is disconnected from the internet, it will not be able to send real-time event logs to the server. To check the device's status, please refer to the API and documentation below for usage instructions.
Device SDK: https://kb.supremainc.com/bs2sdk./doku.php?id=en:bs2_isconnected#bs2_isconnected
Suprema G-SDK: GetDeviceList or SubscribeStatus
Case #2
If the device is set as a Slave, it will return a failure when attempting to call monitoring logs. Please ensure that the device is not configured in Slave mode.
(As shown in the example below, if the XPass2 (*846188273) is set as a Slave, an error will occur when attempting to call real-time monitoring logs. )