Feature Overview

User management in Airfob Pro allows administrators to oversee and configure users who access sites using the Airfob Space app. Users are assigned unique credentials that grant them access to designated locations.

Navigating to User Management

To manage users:

  1. Go to User Management in the Airfob Pro Portal.
  2. Click on Users to view the list of registered users.

User Information Overview

In the user list, you can view essential details for each user, including:

  • User Type - Regular or Temporary (introduced in Airfob Space 2.6).
  • Name - The full name of the user.
  • Unique ID - The identification number assigned to each user.
  • Card Type - The type of credential issued to the user.
  • Validity - The expiration status of the issued credential.
  • Status - Whether the user is activated or deactivated.
  • User Group - The group to which the user belongs.
  • Access Levels - The access permissions assigned to the user.

Managing Users

Performing Bulk Actions

To perform actions on multiple users at once:

  1. Select users by clicking on their checkboxes.
  2. Choose from the available bulk actions:
    • Activate - Enable selected users.
    • Reissue - Send a new email with updated credentials.
    • Suspend - Temporarily disable users.
    • Delete - Remove users permanently.

Managing User Groups

To assign users to a group:

  1. Select the users you want to modify.
  2. Click on the User Group icon.
  3. Select the desired group and confirm the changes.

Setting Access Levels

To configure access levels for multiple users:

  1. Select the users you want to modify.
  2. Click on the Access Level icon.
  3. Choose the appropriate access level and confirm.

Customizing User Templates

To create or modify user fields:

  1. Click on User Template.
  2. Add or edit fields that will appear on each user’s profile card.

Exporting and Uploading Data

  • To export selected users, click on the Export icon.
  • To bulk upload profile pictures, click on Image Upload.

Filtering Users

To filter users based on specific criteria:

  1. Use filters such as Card Type (e.g., RFID card), User Status, or User Group.
  2. Click OK to apply the filter.
  3. To remove filters, click Clear Filters and confirm.

Viewing and Editing Individual User Profiles

To access a user’s detailed profile:

  1. Click on the user’s name in the user list.
  2. View and modify user information, including their assigned card and credentials.
  3. Perform actions such as:
    • Activate - Enable the user.
    • Reissue - Send updated credentials.
    • Suspend - Temporarily block access.
    • Delete - Remove the user permanently.

You can also edit any user information by clicking the Edit button.