Feature Overview

Airfob Pro allows administrators to add multiple users at once using a CSV file. This is useful for onboarding employees, upgrading a site, or handling temporary access needs efficiently.

Navigating to Bulk User Upload

To add multiple users in bulk:

  1. Go to User Management in the Airfob Pro Portal.
  2. Click on Users to open the user list interface.
  3. Click on the Download CSV Template button.

Preparing the CSV File

After downloading the CSV template, fill in the required details for each user. Key fields include:

  • User Group ID - Retrieve this from the User Group screen in Airfob Pro Portal.
  • Access Level ID - Retrieve this from the Access Levels screen. Full access is always set as 1.
  • Email Address - Required if issuing invitations via email (must be unique).
  • Mobile Phone Number - Required if issuing invitations via mobile (must be unique).

Uploading the CSV File

Once the CSV file is ready:

  1. Drag and drop the file into the Upload CSV window.
  2. Review the column data in the preview window to ensure accuracy.
  3. Proceed with the upload if the data is correct.

Uploading User Profile Images

Profile images can be uploaded automatically along with the CSV file. Follow these guidelines:

  1. Ensure that each image file name matches the user ID in the CSV file (e.g., 601.jpg corresponds to user ID 601).
  2. Select all images and drag them into the Bulk User Images upload area.
  3. If images are not ready at the time of CSV upload, they can be added later using the Image Upload button.

File Format Requirements:

  • Supported formats: .jpg, .png
  • File size limit: 1MB per image

Finalizing the Bulk Upload

Once all user data and images are uploaded, the system will process the entries, and the new users will appear in the user list with their assigned credentials.