When you activate the new subdomain from the existing configuration, please follow the below instructions. 

The process below should only be run after we confirm that below is the solution since we have to delete your subdomain entry in our subdomain database. 

1. Stop all BioStar 2 services with BioStar 2 Setting.

2. Double check that ngrok.exe isn't running in Windows Task Manager.

If it is running, kill the process. 


3. Backup the setting.conf file located in “C:\Program Files\BioStar 2(x64)”.

4. Open the setting.conf file.

5. Delete your Cloud section: 


6. And paste the default Cloud configuration as below in that place:
Note: This configuration based on BioStar 2.6.2

"cloud" : {
     "use_cloud" : "0",
     "server_address" : "api.biostar2.com",
     "http_port" : "52000",
     "version" : "v2",
     "ngrok_options" : "-config=\"C:\\Program Files\\BioStar 2(x64)\\ngrok\\ngrok.yml\" -log=\"C:\\Program Files\\BioStar 2(x64)\\logs\\ngrok.log\" start ac ta video",
     "ngrok_conf_file" : "C:\\Program Files\\BioStar 2(x64)\\ngrok\\ngrok.yml"

7. Restart all BioStar 2 services with BioStar 2 Setting. 

8. Login to BioStar 2 and activate your cloud in Settings > Cloud section.

9. If you get the email regarding the re-registration, re-active your subdomain through a link provided in the email.


10. If you do not receive the email, please create a new ticket. 

    Please note that when you email us, you should provide your subdomain name and setting.conf file to us.