Affected Chrome Version: 117. x.x.x or higher version
Affected Biostar 2 Software: BioStar 2.9.4 or lower version with the above Chrome Version described
Updated Date: March-14-2024
Dear Valued Partners,
We want to address the impact and resolution of the recently reported Chrome update that caused USB devices such as BioMini not to show in the BioStar 2 - Device Menu.
Recently, Chrome's web browser policy has been updated, and it affects BioStar 2 software UI/UX.
※ Issues related to [USB Agent]
Issue Symptoms
▶ As shown in the image below, even when a USB Device such as Biomini Plus is attached to the BioStar 2 PC Server, BioStar 2 software does not recognize the device, and the device is not shown.

Cause of the issue
▶ When the driver itself is installed improperly.
▶ When the client uses the private certificate, it doesn't process the web browser to be trusted.
▶ When re-installing the USB agent, the driver gets overrun.
Check Point 1.
Open Device Manager inside of the Control Panel
Could you check if the Suprema BioMini Plus Loader (USB Driver) has been installed properly?
If there is an! mark →this is an indication of wrong installation
If yours looks like the one shown in the image below, you MUST first delete USB Agent and re-install from the start.
Check Point 2. If your Suprema BioMini Plus Loader is installed properly, as shown in this image below, → You may move on to Check Point 3.
Check Point 3. ▶ BioStar 2 with Chrome, Edge Version 117 or Higher run the tool [run.bat with administrative right as explained in the attached PDF guideline]
▶ run.bat program will show in pop-up form like below
Check Point 4. After running the above program and, you RESTART YOUR BioStar 2 server PC.
Go to Path → C:\Program Files (x86)\USB Device Agent\usb-agent\config
▶backup. crt and backup. The key must be within the above path
Check Point 5. Open [USB Device Agent]
Click on [STOP] → then click on [START]
Check Point 6. Open in Chrome or Edge web browser
Open BioStar 2 Software
When you face [Your connection is not private] error on the page, click on [Advanced]
→ click on Proceed to local host (unsafe)
Get the below image result ▶
At last, please restart BioStar 2 Services and log in with your admin account - Device - You can click on USB Device to find such as below.
Unique Case
Client DID NOT INSTALL BioStar 2 software to their PC, but is accessing through Domain/ IP address to BioStar 2 but needs to use a USB Device such as BioMini on their PC.
Step 1. You'll need to apply all the above steps to the main BioStar 2 installed server PC.
Step 2. On your client's PC, you will run BioStar 2 with Chrome, Edge Version 117, or Higher; since BioStar 2 software is not installed on the Client's PC, the tool can be installed in any path necessary for the client.
You will face errors as below; these errors are occurring because it is trying to look for BioStar 2 software, but do not worry. Please press OK and continue the process.
Step 3. After running the above program, you RESTART YOUR BioStar 2 server PC.
Go to Path → C:\Program Files (x86)\USB Device Agent\usb-agent\config
▶backup. crt and backup.the key must be within the above path
The rest of the process is the same as above.
Step 4. Open [USB Device Agent]
Click on [STOP] → then click on [START]
Check Point 5. Open in Chrome or Edge web browser
Open BioStar 2 Software
When you face [Your connection is not private] error on the page, click on [Advanced]
→ click on Proceed to local host (unsafe)
Get the below image result ▶
At last, please restart BioStar 2 Services and log in with your admin account - Device - You can click on USB Device to find such as below.
If you still have the issue with BioMini icon display in BioStar 2 Device Menu, please follow the stpes below. 1. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\USB Device Agent\usb-agent\config\ 2. Double Click localhost_cert.crt file and click [Install Certificate].3. Choose the following options.
4. Click [Finish]
5. Close Chrome and then, re-open Chrome page and confirm the issue.